Friday, May 05, 2006


Violence can be used for good.
العنف يمكن أن يستخدم في الخير.

من فيلم
V For Vendetta


jokerman said...

Yes & can also turn into evil!
The film seemed to make a hero out of Guy Fawkes & i didn't like the scene at the end.

Michel Hanna said...

أنا معاك ان مشهد النهاية لم يكن مشبعا، لكن الحوار كان رائعا على أية حال.

jokerman said...

If the Dialogue wasn't good, there would be no film.
I just commented on that particular scene where the House of Parliament goes up in flames.

Polka Dotted said...

ana amazimg movie
didnt like it at first.. but i cant get enough of it now